måndag 24 augusti 2009

söndag 23 augusti 2009

lördag 22 augusti 2009



"The Rebel on His Own Tonight" (
Malcolm Middleton - Alan Bissett)

In the taxi queue they kicked the shit out of you,
All that you stood for was all that they hoped for.
Smashed in the back seat you tried to hold onto that,
But there’s a pain waiting back in your council flat.

The rebel’s on his own tonight.
The rebel’s all alone tonight.

On the classroom page you scribbled all your rage,
Syd Barrett chord change, Tyra McKenzie
s name.
Nights in the Maniqui dancing to Britney,
Wishing your home town, is wasnae so shitty.

The rebel’s on his own tonight.
The rebel’s all alone tonight.

Dreaming you are Stephen King, you are steaming,
You are watching The Wicker Man.
Marx and Engels and Kathy Acker,
Hide you your face inside your Parka.

The rebel’s on his own tonight.
The rebel’s all alone tonight.

Pure as vodka, pure as snow,
She kisses like it’s a terrorist act.
„Everything’s about ghosts you know,”
she said, then dressed, then packed.

Is it just me or is it cold in here?
Is it just me or is this place totally dead?

Buddhism, communism, post-post modernism,
You swallow them like sleeping pills.
And still you take them, still awake,
Those cats are scratching at your window sill.

Can I get a witness?
I said, can I get someone to escort me back to my flat?

So you’ve got a police record now, have you?
What is it, like? Walking On The Moon?
An auld joke, aye, ma Dad used to tell it
When he was knocking me about the fucking room.

Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?
And do you take this lawyer to separate you for life?

Thirty-two and where are you now?
Still hammering it? Still hanging on till the end?
But every time you go out clubbing, you take a drubbing
From somebody’s fucking boyfriend.

The rebel’s on his own tonight.
The rebel’s all alone tonight.

torsdag 20 augusti 2009

benny och de stora grabbarna

Den halvanimerade tv-serien om Benny (1971) teckandes av Peter Csihas, svensk tecknare och serieskapare, född 1945 i Ungern. Bodil Malmsten var också med som textförfattare. SVT har bevarat några Benny-program, ca 8 stycken. Tyvärr inte alla alltså.
Ska man se dessa idag måsta man vara forskare, inskriven på SLBA. Något för SVT att visa igen? Man kan alltid hoppas!!!

"Benny, Benny, Benny!
Här kommer de stora barnen."

tisdag 18 augusti 2009


Musikminnen från småskolan på 1970-talet, men vad sjöng vi egentligen? Niko ticko tin till alla ... Nikotin till alla ??? Verkligheten överträffar som vanligt dikten ...


"Nicko Ticko Tinn"
(Knut Brodin / Lennart Hellsing)

Och Nicko Ticko Tinn och jag
vi for till stjärnorna en dag.

Nicko Ticko Tinn tiralla
Nicko Ticko Tinn tiralla
Nicko Ticko Tinn tiralla och jag.

Vi träffade en brylling där,
han stod i en trumpetaffär.

Nicko Ticko Tinn tiralla
Nicko Ticko Tinn tiralla
Nicko Ticko Tinn tiralla och jag.

Så bytte vi vår stjärnraket
och fick en polkagristrumpet.

Nicko Ticko Tinn tiralla
Nicko Ticko Tinn tiralla
Nicko Ticko Tinn tiralla och jag.

Den blåste vi så att det klang
och alla blanka stjärnor sprang.

Nicko Ticko Tinn tiralla
Nicko Ticko Tinn tiralla
Nicko Ticko Tinn tiralla och jag.
